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OutFIT HIIT Strength

Get Out. Get Fit. at this group HIIT style circuit training led by TRX certified coaches along the Las Olas Oceanside Park

outfit saturday morning class
July 2, 2022
8:00 am - 9:00 am
Las Olas Oceanside Park

OutFit Open workouts are large-group circuit style HITT classes. It’s a fun, challenging, total body workout (mobility, stability, strength, power, cardio, core). Individuals are challenged through intensity and progression over time. The primary benefit to your body is adapting to increased movement and intensity to promote IMPROVED caloric burn and physical changes.  The outcome… becoming a stronger, healthier, more fit you!

The class is open to all levels.
Fully Licensed and Insured

WHAT YOU NEED: Towel & Water

COST: Drop in Rate $20/class or monthly subscription from $49.95 per month, cancel at any time.

PARKING: Not included
$4/hr non-residents
$1.50/hr City of Fort Lauderdale Registered Pay-by-Phone users.

All participants must register on the app
Apple link:
Android link:

OutFit is a mobile outdoor fitness training service recently launched in Fort Lauderdale that brings premium workout experiences to a neighborhood near you! OutFit delivers both large and small group HIIT style circuit training, as well as private training – all led by TRX certified coaches. Get Out. Get Fit.

Our mission with the LO/OP Fit Program is to provide access to a variety of group fitness classes in a safe and welcoming outdoor setting. Each of our certified, licensed, and insured fitness professionals have been added explicitly to the schedule based on their individual areas of expertise. They possess a contagious enthusiasm, desire for you to meet your fitness goals, and believe you can Live Optimal / Own Possible when your mind, body, and spirit lift.