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Sunrise Kettlebell

Set that alarm bell early and join LO/OP Fit instructor, Carlos Salinas, every Monday at 6:00 am for KETTLEBELL @ SUNRISE.

carlos kettlebell class monday
December 13, 2021
6:00 am - 7:00 am
Las Olas Beach Garage, Sunset Terrace

Set that alarm bell early and join LO/OP Fit instructor, Carlos Sallinas. every Monday at 6:00 am for KETTLEBELL @ SUNRISE
Full body Strength & Conditioning with a combination of Kettlebell + Bodyweight training. Improve strength, cardio, power, stability and shred fat. Kettlebell training is your all in one total body conditioning tool. Join us for sunrise sessions where we focus on technique, breathing and getting stronger. All levels are welcome and encouraged. Modifications will be provided if you are new to Kettlebell training.
? CLASS INSTRUCTOR: Carolos Salinas
You will need at least one moderate weight Kettlebell. BYO-KB.
*Don’t have a kettlebell?
Please reach out following registration to email on class confirmation.
? COST: $10-$20 Sliding Scale
Pre-Registration Required ? follow registration and waiver link below
? PARKING: Not included
$4/hr or $10 all day non-residents with Pay-by-Phone APP
$1.50/hr City of Fort Lauderdale Registered Pay-by-Phone users.
All participants must register in advance, and complete class waiver to secure space >>>
Our mission with the LO/OP Fit Program is to provide access to a variety of group fitness classes in a safe and welcoming outdoor setting. Each of our certified, licensed, and insured fitness professionals have been added explicitly to the schedule based on their individual areas of expertise. They possess a contagious enthusiasm, desire for you to meet your fitness goals, and believe you can Live Optimal / Own Possible when your mind, body, and spirit lift.

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