Join us at Las Olas Oceanside Park this April to celebrate Jazz Appreciation Month (JAM)!
This special month, founded by the Smithsonian in 2001, recognizes jazz music’s profound influence and cultural significance.
Immerse yourself in this iconic genre’s soulful rhythms and timeless melodies while taking in the breathtaking views and local talents at the weekend Food, Art, and Makers MKT.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to experience the magic of JAM.
Saturday, April 13
Dillard Center for the Arts Jazz Combo
Performance Time: 12 pm – 3 pm
Free. Donations Welcome
The nationally renowned DCA Jazz Ensemble develops musical independence through a knowledge of styles and performance techniques of varied contemporary and jazz literature. The content should include, but not be limited to, the following: production of characteristic tone; interpretation of jazz rhythms and articulation; composition, arrangement, and improvisation techniques; performance of literature from various popular and jazz styles; application of knowledge of jazz history; analysis and evaluation of jazz literature and musical performances as a performer and a listener; responsible participation in music activities; importance of music in everyday life.
Under the leadership and direction of Mr. Christopher Dorsey, the DCA Jazz Ensemble the band’s skill, style and swing has earned them First Place at Essentially Ellington National Jazz Competition in 2011, 2012 and 2018 and First Place at Swing Central National Jazz Competition in 2010, 2011 and 2012. The band presented a workshop/clinic with famed trumpeter and jazz educator Wynton Marsalis at the 2013 Midwest Clinic.
DCA Jazz Ensemble is consistently represented in prestigious honor jazz ensembles at the district, state and national level. Our students have been selected into the All County Honor Jazz Bands, The Florida All State Honor Bands, The Grammy Band, and the Monterrey Jazz Festival’s Next Generation Band just to name a few.
Learn more and donate at dillardbands.com