Fur the Love Pet Fest
Dust off your boots, put on your best cowboy hat, and join us for a rootin’ tootin’ good time at the 4th Annual Fur the Love Pet Fest.

Saddle up and join us for a wild and woof-tastic time at the 4th annual Fur The Love Pet Fest at Las Olas Oceanside Park!
Hosted by Ana and Teddy, the dynamic mom and pup duo behind @TourwithTeddy, the Wild West Rodeo-themed Extravaganza promises to have tails wagging and spurs jingling ’til the cows come home
Voted “Best Event” in the Fort Lauderdale Magazine 2023 Readers Poll, the beachside celebration of National Love Your Pet Day will feature people and pet vendors to roam, a variety of food and drinks to chow down on, line dancing to kick up your heels and so much more!
Admission is free, so grab your family and friends and come on down.
Schedule of Experiences & Activities
All Day Experiences
- Ranch Roam Photo Zones: Strike gold and create Instagram magic at the various Ranch Roam Photo Zones!
Capture the spirit of the Wild West with themed backdrops and props to take home picture-perfect memories with your posse. - Teddy’s Rodeo Round Up Food Court: Indulge in a roundup of classic cowboy bites and refreshing sips, including made-to-order BurgerFi burgers, mouthwatering Eat Da Bone BBQ, protein-packed waffle Breakfast Sandwiches, Fresh Fruit & Smoothies, Tex-Mex tacos, and more.
- K954 Dog Training Trailblazers Trail Run: Unleash some energy as pets conquer treadmills and agility courses, merging fitness with fun for a tail-wagging good time.
- Pet Junction Magazine: Mosey up and get your What’s Your Cowboy Name Tag
- The Pretty Nomad Well-Brimmed Hat Bar: Craft your frontier style and design your personalized cowboy hat, choosing from an array of styles and accessories.
- The Rounds 360° Rodeo Ring: Lasso up cowboy memories with your furry friend in every spin at the 360° photo booth
- Vetfield Animal Hospital Watering Hole: Saddle up to the pet hydration post, where your furry amigos will find cool refreshments and generous giveaways to take on their frontier journey.
- W Fort Lauderdale Quick Draw Portrait Parlor: Enjoy complimentary caricatures capturing your pet’s unique charm with a touch of Wild West flair.
Activities & Entertainment
- 11:30 am – 2:30 pm: Tim Charron Band
- 12:30 & 1:30 pm: Yum Pup Chow-Down Contest
- 1:00 pm: Line Dancing Lessons
- All Day: FTL Beach Sniff-Out Scavenger Hunt: Furry deputies and their companions follow pawprints around the Mercantile to win gifts from select vendors.
>>> Purchase Scavenger Hunt Tickets In Advance <<<.
3 Raffle Tickets for $12. || 6 Raffle Tickets for $20, includes a laser engraved FTLBeach Brass Bone Dog Tag + $5. Personalization Engraving. Visit all of our Vendors for the chance to win (2) Florida Panther Hockey Tickets and VIP Parking- Picture. Value: $350, courtesy of Fetch Pet Care Fort Lauderdale
- Auggie’s Pet Supplies: Gift Basket of Treats, Toys, Samples & Freeze Dried Foods. Value $40-$60
- Catskills Clothing Company: “Dogs Love Me” T-Shirt & Drawstring Sling Backpack. Value $35.
- Dasenia Creations: Miami Dolphins Leash, Bandana, Key Chain & Scrunchie. Value $50
- DogDrop: 30 Day Free Dog Daycare. Rules Apply. Value: $600, Expires on 12/31/26
- EloPetz: Dog Bed (up to 25 lbs.) Value: $30
- Happy Dingos: Lick Mat, Calming Peanut Butter & Tote Bag. Value $50
- Healthy Smiles Pet Dental: Dental Care Gift Basket & $50 gift card for a non-anesthetic dental cleaning. Value: $100
- Inspired by Animals Photography: Pet Photography Session & 3 Digital Images, Value $690.
- Jaffee Pops: 20oz Pouch of Bone Broth & 2 Frozen Broth Pops. Value: $17
- K9 Resorts Pompano Beach: $250 Service Credit
- K954 Dog Training: Training Baskets & Service Certificates
- Patty’s Pet Foods: Dog Balloon Charm Necklace and $25 Gift Card. Value: $50
- Paws Around The World: (2) Free Runs on the Treadmill. Value: $70
- Pet Junction Magazine: 10 oz. Yeti mug. Value: $50
- Pup & Away: Ruby Loo Slumber Pawty Bag. Value $75
- Ruff House: $50 Gift Card. Expires: 2/25/25
- The Duty Mitt: Three (3) Orders of The Mitt. Value $48
- Toadal Repellant: (1) Bottle of Repellant. Value $38
- Vetfield Animal Hospital: Gift Basket of Toys, Shampoo, Dog Treats. Value $50.
- WagAround Town: Charmdana with 3 Charms. Value $75
- Woofin-Good: Dog Mom Hat and Leash/Harness Set. Value $55
People and Pets’ Mercantile
- Animoat animoat.com
- Auggie’s Pet Supplies auggiespetsupplies.com
- Bonafide Therapy Dogs bonafidetherapydogs.com
- Bulltug Company bulltug.com
- Catskills Clothing Company catskillsclothingcompany.com/
- Dasenia Creations @daseniacreations_20
- Dog Drop dogdrop.co
- Dog Training Elite dogtrainingelite.com
- Dogexpression Pet Photography dogexpression.com
- Dogtopia of Fort Lauderdale dogtopia.com
- EloPetz Elopetz.etsy.com
- Happy Dingos happydingos.com
- Healthy Smiles Pet Dental healthysmiles.pet
- Hola From Lola holafromlola.com
- Icy Woof Pet Accessories shopicywoof.com
- Inspired by Animals Photography inspiredbyanimals.com
- Jaffee Pops jaffeepops.com
- K954 Dog Training k954dogtraining.com
- K9 Resorts, Pompano k9resorts.com
- Kay’s Kollars & Bella Greens Dog Treats www.etsy.com/KaysKollars
- Little Giants & Co. littlegiantsandco.com
- Moon Dog Barkery @moondogbarkery
- My Laser Images mylaserimages.com
- Optimally Balanced Toadal Repellant toadalrepellant.com
- Patty’s Pet Foods pattyspetfoods.com
- Paw Patrol Animal Rescue & Sanctuary pawpatrolanimalrescue.com
- Pawies for Animal Lovers pawies.com
- Paws Around the World pawsaroundtheworldservices.com
- Pet Junction Magazine petjunction411.com
- Pet Wants Fort Lauderdale petwantsfortlauderdale.com
- Petit Pups Pawtique & More petitpupspawtique.com
- Pup & Away @pupandawaysfl
- Ruff House ruffhousefl.com
- Salon Bark @salonbarkspa
- Snacks Homemade Treats snackshomemadetreats.com
- The Duty Mitt thedutymitt.com
- The Pretty Nomad @theprettynomadofficial
- The Rounds therounds.co
- Uniquebowtique 954 etsy.com/uniquebowtique954
- Urbana Pets urbanapet.com
- Vetfield Animal Hospital vetfield.com
- W Fort Lauderdale wfortlauderdale.com
- Wag Around Town wagaroundtown.com
- Woofin-Good woofin-good.com
- Yum Pup shopyumpup.com
Presented by the Fort Lauderdale Beach BID, Fur The Love Pet Fest is generously sponsored by K954 Dog Training, Pet Junction Magazine, The Rounds, Vetfield Animal Hospital, W Fort Lauderdale, and Yum Pup. Profits from the event benefit the annual Dog Days of Summer Movie Series and other pet-friendly events at the LOOP.